Tom Vander Woude Guild
Newsletter # 8
March 11, 2024
It’s Official! A major step was taken by Bishop Burbidge on 4/22/24. Our bishop signed two documents which officially launches the process of Tom Vander Woulde’s cause for sainthood. The documents:
- Established the Catholic Diocese of Arlington as the Petitioner for the Thomas S. Vander Woude Cause for Canonization.
- Appointed Dr. Waldery Hilgeman as the Postulator of the Thomas S. Vander Woude Cause for Canonization.
Bishop Burbidge is very supportive of Mr. Vander Woude’s Cause. Both he and our Vicar General, Fr. Workman, understand the importance of ensuring the process goes well and that the “Norms” established by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (see the “About” menu of the website) are explicitly followed. This will save both time and money in the long run so that various aspects of the process and/or documentation will not have to be redone or “cured”.
Currently Bishop Burbidge has asked the diocesan financial staff to establish the appropriate budgets for his approval and set up the proper accounting so that contract arrangements with Dr. Hilgeman can be finalized.
Our diocese has the opportunity to have a saint declared from within our midst. Many people in the diocese knew Tom well, respected him, and were good friends with him and his family. Many of those have wonderful stories of his Christian faith; his virtue; his humility; his mentorship; and his service to county, church, community, and family. Whether it be a sentence, a paragraph, or several pages, please send these stories to our email at in**@tv******.org.
Now that the diocese has begun the process, it is important that the laity do their job too.
How can each person help to encourage and support Tom Vander Woude’s Cause?
Five simple ways:
- Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – PLEASE DO IT. One or more of them might know a story or two about Tom that could be used in his petition.
- Let your friends and family know they can sign up for the Newsletter at:
- Send us any stories of:
- Tom’s “Prayer Favors” that were answered for you or a friend.
- Christian service to his church, community, yourself, or a loved one.
- Stories of his faith and/or reputation of his holiness.
- Please send any of the above to in**@tv******.org
- Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, KofC Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just contact us via email at: in**@tv******.org
- Make a tax-deductible donation via our website or directly to our following address. We promise that we will protect your donation and use it wisely for the encouragement and support of Tom’s Cause.
Our Sincere blessings to you all,
Keith Henderson,
Board Chairman
Tom Vander Woude Guild
P O Box 193
Front Royal, VA 22630
Email: in**@tv******.org