Tom Vander Woude Guild Newsletter # 7 April 15, 2024 Bishop Burbidge recently decided that the Diocese of Arlington should select Dr. Waldery Hilgeman to become the Roman Postulator for the cause of Thomas S. Vander Woude. Fr. Oetjen has contacted Dr. Hilgeman and they have begun formalizing the agreements and necessary financial matters. Dr. Hilgeman has already provided templates of the formal documents required for establishing the Diocese as the Petitioner, and for appointing himself as the Postulator. The postulator’s first task is the development of the Supplex Libellus (simple book). This is a written summary of the reason(s) and rationale for which Mr. Vander Woude may be considered for canonization. This is the heart of the written petition requesting that Bishop Burbidge initiate the necessary proceedings to formally open the cause. The initiation of the cause occurs after the bishop has accepted the Supplex Libells of the postulator. From then on, the bishop refers to Mr. Vander Woude as “Servant Of God” in his correspondence with the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the USCCB, as well as in decrees whereby he nominates the officials of the diocesan inquiry, and other correspondence throughout the diocese.    How can each person help to encourage and support Tom Vander Woude’s Cause? Six simple ways:
  • Pray that the petition for the initiation of Tom’s Cause will move forward quickly. We, at the guild, are still hoping for a formal opening announcement of Tom’s cause by Bishop Burbidge on or before the diocese’s Golden Jubilee Festival of Saturday, June 8, 2024.
  • Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – PLEASE DO IT. One or more of them might know a story or two about Tom that could be used in his petition.
  • Let your friends and family know they can sign up for the Newsletter at:
  • Send us any stories of:
    1. Tom’s “Prayer Favors” that might illustrate intercessory powers.
    2. Christian service to his church, community, yourself, or a loved one.
    3. Stories of his faith and/or reputation of his holiness.
    4. Please send any of the above to in**@tv******.org
  • Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, KofC Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just contact us via email at:
  • Make a tax-deductible donation. We promise that we will protect your investment and use it wisely for the encouragement and support of Tom’s Cause.
Our Sincere blessings to you all, Keith Henderson, Board Chairman Tom Vander Woude Guild P O Box 193 Front Royal, VA 22630 Email: in**@tv******.org