Tom Vander Woude Guild
Newsletter # 5
December 31, 2023

On November 17, 2023, the Board of Directors met with Fathers Walsh and Oetjen (see Newsletter #4) to discuss the priorities for moving forward with Tom Vander Woude’s Cause. The clarification of certain processes by Fr. Oetjen, and the initial diocesan needs for the opening of Tom’s Cause were extremely helpful.

We all reviewed the various “prayer favors” that had been submitted so far and decided to select at least two or three to pursue in detail. The documentation and appropriate witness testimonies would be collected and transcribed by the tribunal should it become necessary at this preliminary stage.

Two critical steps will be to: 1) ensure that the Tom Vander Woude Guild can act as a “Juridic Person” to become the Petitioner of the Cause; and 2) select and formally designate a Postulator of the Cause who is currently living in Rome, and with experience on other Causes for Canonization. We have been provided with three names of potential Postulators so far and will contact each of them beginning in early January 2024.

Fr. Oetjen will be reviewing the Articles of Incorporation and Corporate By-Laws of the Guild. He will help us with gaining “Juridic Person” status within the diocese. He has also provided the Guild with a briefing presented to the Canon Law Society of America regarding the current canonical process for carrying out the Diocesan Inquiry stage regarding a Servant Of God.

How can each person help to encourage and support Tom Vander Woude’s Cause?
Six simple ways:

  1. Pray that his Cause will move forward quickly. We are still targeting for a formal opening announcement of Tom’s Cause by Bishop Burbidge on or before the diocese’s Golden Jubilee Festival on Saturday, June 8, 2024.
  2. Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – PLEASE DO IT.
  3. Let your friends and family know they can sign up for the Newsletter at:
  4. Send us any stories of:
    1. Tom’s “Prayer Favors” that might illustrate intercessory powers.
    2. Christian service to his church, community, yourself, or a loved one.
    3. Stories of his faith and/or reputation of his holiness.
  5. Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, KofC Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just contact us.
  6. Make a tax-deductible donation. We promise that we will protect your investment and spend it wisely for the encouragement and support of Tom’s Cause.

***For assistance with any of these, please go to our website or email us at in**@tv******.org