Newsletter # 1 Jan 15th 2023

Early last year, while having lunch with Fr. Jerome Fasano, I first heard about both Tom Vander Woude and Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio of July 2017 regarding “the offer of life” – a new Cause for Sainthood. After reading about Tom’s life, his death, and his son Joseph (Josie), I knew then, Tom must be a saint. After a second lunch with Fr. Fasano, it became clear that God was opening a door and allowing me to make a choice. Either forget about all I had read and thought about or take that first step through the open door and enter a world I knew little about – The Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

After reading through all the various Vatican requirements and documents regarding the total process, it became clear to me that I would need an “accountability partner”. Rick Von Ehr became that accountability partner. He serves as the Vice Chair for the Guild. Since Fr. Fasano was the person that instigated my journey regarding Tom’s Cause, I was able to convince him to become the Treasurer. Finally, I drafted a retired Army Colonel, John Lundberg, to become the Guild’s Secretary. After several months of filling out forms; sending them into various State and Federal agencies; then awaiting their replies – the Tom Vander Woude Guild became an official Virginia State Nonprofit Corporation with a Federal 501(c)(3) tax exemption status so that donations may be tax deductible.

The “offer of life”, in order that it to be valid and effective for the beatification of a Servant of God, must respond to the following criteria:

1. a free and voluntary offer of life and heroic acceptance propter caritatem (meaning: because of charity or through love) of a certain and untimely death;
2. a nexus (connection or link) between the offer of life and premature death;
3. the exercise, at least as ordinarily possible, of Christian virtues before the offer of life and, then, unto death;
4. the existence of a reputation of holiness and of signs, at least after death;
5. the necessity of a miracle for beatification, occurring after the death of the Servant of God and through his or her intercession.
It is the opinion of the Guild and others that Tom meets at least the first four (4) criteria. The final criteria is yet to be identified and approved, but I believe it eventually will be. There are still many steps that must be taken for Tom’s Cause to be fully recognized by the Church.

Before any actions by the Church in Rome can take place, Tom needs to be designated as a Servant of God. This is within the purview of the Bishop of the Arlington Diocese in consultation with other Bishops and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

I spoke with Bishop Burbidge late last fall, and he said: “Pope Francis wishes for us (the Bishops) to be highly sensitive to considering ‘everyday’ folks for beatification.” He also said: “It might be very possible for it to happen (meaning begin the process) this year.” Finally, he said: “Just make it easy on us”.

I believe his last statement meant that a lot of the research, documentation, justification and substantiation should be done prior to officially asking for the Diocese to begin the process of designating Tom as a Servant of God. This would also mean that a large cadre of people within the Diocese would agree with and support Tom’s Cause. That is why the Guild was formed and a website developed to help “spread the word”; receive comments and stories about Tom; and make as many people as possible aware of the Diocese’s ability to have one of its most beloved and respected men to become a Saint.

While the website isn’t completely finished yet, please tell other people about its existence and also about the formation of the Guild and its initial goal to have Tom designated as a Servant of God in celebration of the Arlington Diocese’s 50 th Anniversary.

Please remember to bookmark our website:
Finally, your kind and generous donations are truly appreciated and always welcome.

Sincere blessings to you all,

Keith Henderson
Board Chairman,
Tom Vander Woude Guild
P O Box 193
Front Royal, VA 22630
Email: in**@tv******.org